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Jessie DeCorsey is a Christian artist, Bible teacher, speaker and mentor. 

Her paintings depict religious imagery, often exploring themes of creation and the human experience in relation to the divine. Her unique style and use of symbolism creates a distinct artistic voice, inviting viewers to engage on a deeper level.


She hosts faith-filled conversations to inspire, grow and lead you closer to the heart of Jesus. You can listen to them here. 



What if it's not about getting it right or wrong? What if it's about how we walk it all out with Jesus? . 
Visit the store to get your copy today.
״This love story kept me up reading through the night, was picked up the next day and started all over again, and I am now studying all the underlined sentences prayerfully. This is a love story about a girl on a search for what is true and what relationship is all about with Jesus. The author shares her life story and in it you see yourself as we each search for identity and answers and understanding. "I am not enough" has resounded in my heart and mind for years and this book is leading me forward to put this to rest for good as I am loved by Him. I cannot recommend this book enough. ״

- Meg

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    J E S S I E  D E C O R S E Y 

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