
Jessie DeCorsey
A wife to Trevor and mother to four incredible kiddos. Lover of Jesus, coffee and all things creative. Passionate about people and coming alongside one another and living out our God-given design. Love God + Love People.
Born and raised in central Minnesota, I grew up within a very creative family. At university I studied fine arts and art history and discovered a passion for the way art could be used to communicate God’s story. This became a way of connection for my own faith journey and a way for others to see themselves within the biblical narratives. Painting has long since been my favorite way to explore theological concepts and biblical themes.
In 2021, I graduated from Luther Seminary with a masters in the Bible where I had the honor of being the artist-in-residence. With a variety of incredible opportunities over the years I have been able to see firsthand the way creativity allows room for the Spirit of God to move in profound ways in and through a community.
I think ministry is a lifestyle - not a job title. I believe we are designed to walk relationally above all else and when we come together in love, we encounter Him and we are never the same again. In 2019, I started training in the Immanuel Prayer approach and spend my days coming alongside others to help them find inner healing and restoration. I believe God has a plan for you and for me and His greatest desire is for us to know the depths of His love for each one of us uniquely. That happens through presence with Him and with one another.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by!